Imagine waking up early and taking a moment to appreciate the quiet serenity of the morning. As you sip your coffee or tea, you reflect on having a warm beverage to start your day, a cozy place to enjoy it, and a peaceful moment for yourself.
Have you ever heard the phrase "Then I will be happy"? It's a sentiment that many of us are familiar with, the idea that happiness is just around the corner, waiting for the right circumstances to fall into place.
We often say, "I just need this, or this needs to be or feel right, and then I can be happy." But why do we set such a high barrier to our contentment and satisfaction in life?
It's time to challenge this notion and consider an alternative perspective. What if we could lower our expectations and embrace the idea that we have little control over the external factors that might eventually lead to happiness? What if we consciously decide to be happy in the present moment, regardless of the circumstances?
Think about it: there are countless reasons to feel happy at any given moment.
Do you have a roof over your head?
Do you have people who genuinely care about your well-being?
The fact that you're alive and breathing right now is a remarkable gift in itself.
It's a paradox that often only becomes clear when certain aspects of our lives are compromised. When our health is threatened, or we experience loss, the things we took for granted suddenly come into sharp focus.
We realise that we had so much to be grateful for, yet in the absence of those things, we tended to dwell on what is lacking and create inventive ways to foster negativity about our lives and situations.
Shifting our perspective towards the present moment and practising gratitude can be transformative. Realising that we can choose happiness by appreciating what we have rather than fixating on what we lack empowers us to take control of our emotional well-being. It's an ongoing practice that requires mindfulness and a conscious effort to focus on the here and now.
What kind of simple routine can remind you of the small joys often overlooked, such as enjoying a hot beverage?
So, the next time you catch yourself being a neg-artist, and saying, "I'll be happy when..." pause and reflect on the countless reasons you have to feel happy right now. Happiness isn't a distant destination; it's a state of mind that can be honed and cultivated through gratitude, acceptance, and a willingness to embrace the present moment.
As you journey through life, remember that happiness isn't waiting at the end of the road – it's walking with you every step of the way.