How do you L Earn?
As a child, it is paramount that we figure out how to adapt to the world around us.
We have no choice but to make sense of the complex place.
We take the new information and then try to fit that new information into one of our existing “knowledge boxes”.
If we did not have this ability to make our surroundings seem "Normal", almost everything we saw would overwhelm us.
Even when the information is so bizarre and left field, we try to make sense of it using information that we already understand.
Normalising the Experience of Being.
Have you ever had the retrospective realisation that you were in a peculiar place at a strange time?
I first had this thought when eating at a restaurant in China.
It felt so normal, but when reflecting on the situation in hindsight, I realise how the experience was different to anything I had ever encountered.
The food served in a way I had never tried, in a foreign environment so far removed from my so-called "norm". When in the thick of things, it felt like eating at any other restaurant.
This reality distortion is the first act in the art of learning something new.
How Do You Think Outside the Box?
Zen Mind - Accept Your Current Incompetence
Firstly, become comfortable that there exists an overwhelming amount of information that you will never know. The earth does not have the physical space that we would need to store the computer processing power that it would take to process all the information.
Translated, this means that you need to be specific about what it is that you want to know.
Be intentional about your learning and practice while doing your best not to be biased.
The best thing you can do is keep an open mind while questioning everything.
If you want to master something, spiral down the rabbit hole.
True masters spend their time digging deep into a subject. Fools searching for gold will dig a mile wide and an inch deep, while a gold veteran will dig an inch wide and a mile deep.
Set Specific Deadlines
The only way to achieve anything is to set specific deadlines. When you learn something new, set an exact date and time to apply the understandings practically. Your knowledge is worthless unless you use it in your life.
Skills Have Utility -Tom Bilyeu
Reflect - Stop, Look, Go
A professional is someone who has made every mistake there is to make. When you stop making mistakes, you stop learning.
If you can learn from both your own and others mistakes, you can accelerate the pace at which you grow.
Your mistakes are the gateway to the next level of learning.
Do not let an expensive lesson go to waste.
The most successful traders value their mistakes because they learn more from their failures than they do their successes.
Speculators who enter a trade during a raging bull market might think that the price and value of shares only goes one way. They are unprepared for radically new information and often sell for a loss.
Re-frame Losing to Learning.
Life has no universal rules like a game of soccer or basketball. There is no defined outcome such as winning versus losing, understanding that you can view your life through the lens of "winning or learning". Your mistakes can be your greatest teacher.
Reflect on the outcomes and ramifications of your decisions and actions. Share what you learn so that others too can prosper from your mistakes.
Understanding Communication and Learning Styles
If you want to learn or teach effectively, it is worth spending time discovering your communications and learning style.
People latch on to their perceptions based on their subjective reality.
To penetrate the mind, you need to shift their thinking by reshaping your message. Be patient with others while you open their thinking boxes and create a paradigm shift in their understanding.
Generally, there are four styles of information processing.
Visual (Seeing)
Auditory (Listening)
Kinesthetic/Tactile (Hands-on)
Reading Writing (Teaching and Notes)
Think back to when you had a brand new concept click. What were the moment and environment when you felt you learned and understood?
Knowing your style will help you when you are developing skills and actively practising.
If you want to accelerate your ability to build skills, focus on your specific learning strengths. Helping others to learn will also solidify the concepts in your mind if you are able to explain and articultae your point.
Skills pay the bills
The more you learn, the more you can earn. Upskilling gives you more value as a human, and the more value you create for others, the more money you will make.
Open your mind to the sea of new ideas. Explore the unknown and focus on mastering the art of applicable knowledge.
Learn from others' mistakes and be brave enough to fail because you are winning or learning.
Compound your learning and growth because you can become an expert at anything you set you mind to.